We are glad that we can announce the 3rd STABLE RELEASE of USAGI (UniverSAl playGround for Ipv6) product on January 1st, 2002. On this release, we provide ipv6 enhanced kernel (based on linux-2.2.20 and/or linux-2.4.13) and basic IPv6 libraries and applications.

The improved features are listed below.

You can get our source codes from the following URL. ftp://ftp.linux-ipv6.org/pub/usagi/stable/kit/

We also provide our code in the form divided into the patch against the main-line kernel and the tool. ftp://ftp.linux-ipv6.org/pub/usagi/stable/splitted/

We plan to provide the binary packages for some distributions. They will appear under ftp://ftp.linux-ipv6.org/pub/usagi/stable/package/ within several weeks.

We announce latest information via web. Please check our web site http://www.linux-ipv6.org.

We also manage the mailing list for USAGI users. If you have questions, please join the mailing list. Comments and advises are also welcome on that mailing list. Please visit http://www.linux-ipv6.org/ml/ for further information.


About USAGI Project:

The USAGI Project is managed by volunteers and aims to provide better IPv6 environment on Linux freely. We are tightly collaborating with WIDE Project, KAME Project and TAHI Project, and trying improving Linux kernel, IPv6 related libraries and IPv6 applications. Our products are released every two weeks and stable release several times a year. Please check our web site http://www.linux-ipv6.org for the latest detailed information.

$Id: 3rd-release-ann-en.html,v 1.5 2004-01-31 03:42:19 yoshfuji Exp $
Copyright (C)2000,2001 USAGI Project, All Rights Reserved.